#deconstructing masculinity
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forgottenbones · 2 years ago
Dorian Electra - Edgelord (feat. Rebecca Black)
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dahliaduvide · 1 year ago
Just another reason to be in love with The Idles.
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ladylollys · 6 days ago
i really love the scenes where tyrion is called upon to join other men in doing violence (such as the battle of the blackwater or the attack by mountain clans on the way to the eyrie). he always seems sort of shaken and sort of proud of himself in a very realistic way: killing another human being is inherently frightening and disgusting, but at the same time, tyrion has been treated as physically helpless (and specifically as less than a man) his whole life, and he is filled with anger he normally has no safe way to express. these brief tastes of what it would be like to be treated as a fellow warrior by other men... of course this is tantalizing to him. of course some part of him relishes it. in these moments, other men are willing to interact with him as a fellow group member. and he thinks: is this how jaime feels all the time? because for a westerosi lord, this is what it means to be a man.
and it's understandable but also profoundly sad. like... congratulations on your tenuous, conditional membership in the world's worst boys club.
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havinganormalone · 3 months ago
Trying to contain myself and I just can't. I can't stop thinking about this scene and it has me in fucking shreds
The way he fishes for the word "wife,'' trying to translate what he was to this other alien into human language. Explaining that his wife's passing is what drove him to abandon his planet. And then the almost exuberant way he he says "It is now." This is probably the first time he has contextualized his grief this way, as mourning for someone he loved, and the first time he's processed how much his mate's death hurt him.
What's so interesting about this is that Harry clearly frame's his motivation for coming to Earth as a result of grief. However, he made that decision BEFORE assuming human form and allegedly gaining emotion for the first time. I think it's more likely that Harry- and his entire species- do feel emotion to at least some capacity. However, whether it is because of societal pressure to be stoic or because of a literal difference in brain structure, they are not as conscious of their emotions. It doesn't mean emotions don't factor into their decision making, but that they don't acknowledge its influence (much the same way patriarchal society frames men as being more rational and less emotional in their decision making, and a man will confidently assert this even as he throws the biggest tantrum).
And here Harry is, being able to finally process and realize how much emotion HAS influenced him. And the look on his face, on the verge of tears and yet also joyful, because accepting loss also means accepting that there was something to lose in the first place, it means feeling the shape of your heart for the first time only because there is a massive hole in it.
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donnyclaws · 8 days ago
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Playing with renpy. Ft an experimental ginga fan story I'm fucking with. Scratching an itch I've had for a while to make a indulgent youtube animated series style animal story. Will be very very short, I mostly want to see how much I like the format for Tiger Crawl Home.
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solemnpancake · 2 years ago
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sampersandman · 11 months ago
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[MetalInsider] a couple of the times recently Brendon has talked about the themes of Masculinity. I may add on to this as I recall stuff, because there is actually depth to the stupid dick jokes throughout the show and the movie, it’s just happens that he’s explicitly acknowledged that more recently
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where he’s basically talking about the scene where Nathan reconciles with the band and apologizes to Abigail, he’s literally reconnecting with them and consummating the relationship. But this theme is present in A LOT of the show, like I can’t stress enough how many times a dick joke doubles as some metaphor for their characterization. For instance, “Black Fire Upon Us” (the episode) has the alternate title “Dethrelease” because it followed Dethrecord, where they’ve finished it and now they’re trying to release the thing, But it’s also called Dethrelease because half of the episode is spent on the band (minus toki) trying to suck their own dicks. They’re interrupted by Toki being hurt and they talk to each other about how they’re not supposed to care about each other, go back to trying to suck themselves off (unsuccessfully) and throwing a release party (celebration of themselves) which gets cut short because mordhaus is attacked by the people who want revenge on Dethklok for how they’ve been hurt by the band’s selfishness. At that point they’re finally forced to be selfless but it’s too little too late and their manager is dead, and they can’t get their release. Going Downklok follows the same logic, with “going down” taking on 3 meanings. That scene in the movie becomes the final answer to it.
idk it’s just sad that there’s like 0 people around who actually want to talk about it because I’m pretty fascinated by the whole thing but I feel weird talking about this lol
especially for how long he’s been addressing it,
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October 2009 November 2009
Like he reflected on it in that month’s time and came back with that answer haha, but it stuck. back to another recent interview;
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I’ve considered it a lot and I think that with the movie there’s an overarching theme for all the characters where they have to confront their relationship with masculinity and what they consider femininity, in addition to what they literally call “gay” throughout the series (emotional investment and sincerity). In the show, their relationship with women and femininity is represented by their respective mothers. And in the movie, in order to finally mature, they have to embrace their “feminine sides” so to speak. Which is more or less the point of this line:
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mystxmomo · 26 days ago
To continue to talk about intentional gender presentation I'm doing. I think Vhaeraun does present noticeably masculine for a drow. In Enclave's internal thoughts, she mentions he has the appearance "of an echo of a time long past."
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williamvapespeare · 8 months ago
lads i'm posting a new fic today that isn't chapter 3 of David Bowie but that one is almost done and will be next, pls do not fear!!! it's just that edwin payne himself came to me and said "why don't you reread Ovid and then spiral and imagine me in class learning Latin? remember when you did a phd about the creation of the humanist grammar school? why don't you have the boy i love give me some cuddles to make up for my horrible sad life??" so i did.
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sarasade · 2 years ago
I remember when I started to watch The Dragon Prince and went to YouTube to find reviews of the show. I saw several people expressing confusion around Viren’s character. Like what’s his role in the story. Is he a good guy or a bad guy? People saying his character and motivations are confusing etc.
Like damn, you’ve never met a man like Viren??
You aren’t familiar with the type of guy who tries to live up to the unattainable or downright destructive ideals of hegemonic masculinity. A man who buys into those ideals so much that he dehumanises himself and by extension others and becomes completely unfeeling while also acting like he’s the victim when people push back on the injustices his ideals enforce? A person who sees himself as the hero and gets offended when others don’t buy into his narrative of individualistic heroism that reduces other people into props to be used and controlled in his story of greatness and self-sacrifice.
Hmmm I think this show might have something to say about masculinity here.
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theyamjam · 2 months ago
i mean ya its messed up to say you want all transmascs to die. idk what you want me to say
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hatake · 5 months ago
this is gonna sound so counterintuitive and and perhaps Problematique and i can't rly put my finger on why but whenever male public figures use the term ✨toxic masculinity✨ it makes me side eye them; it gives me the same vibes as ppl using therapy speak ?? like when u say that you are fighting against toxic masculinity are u understanding it within the context of patriarchy or are u just co-opting it for brownie points and your own benefit
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theopolis · 2 years ago
Me trying to be hype for Harry having a big role in Spider-Man PS4 sequel even though I'm 97% sure the game will have zero investment in reflecting the themes and intricacies of his character just like almost every adaptation that came before it, despite having accidentally created the perfect set up to do so
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TIL that the word "seme" originally means "attacker" and the word "uke" means "receiver of the attack" in martial arts - including kendo. These were apparently already used for yaoi archetypes in the 1970-80s, and RGU is from the 90s.
So if we see Touga and Saionji as a couple and not just friends who are good at kendo, could it mean the author knowingly and intentionally rolled the words back to their original meanings - not who tops/bottoms, but who does damage and who lets them?
Except the internet also said the "receiver" does not passively take the blows, but anticipates them and defends himself properly in order for the whole dynamic to work. Which Kyoichi "I'm the only one who's fine with you besting me" Saionji very much does.
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sendmyresignation · 6 months ago
deeper into major labels and while i disagree with a lot of it its become more of a fun intellectual exercise since now it's much clearer sanneh is in his own critical zone instead of just going total summation mode.
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meteorherd · 1 year ago
i don't think this is a controversial ranking per se but now that i have seen every child's play movie i need to rank them because what else is the reason for watching a movie franchise. anyways my order from lowest to highest would be 3 < cult < seed < curse < 1 < bride < 2 🤭
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